Category: Technology

4 Essential Security Steps for Your WordPress Website

Website security is more important than ever. With the increasing number of hacking and malware attacks, it is crucial to take the necessary steps to protect your website and the sensitive data it holds. Hackers and malware constantly evolve, seeking vulnerabilities to steal data, disrupt operations, or inject malicious code. The good news?  There are steps you can take to build a robust defense!  This guide will equip you with the essential website security measures to keep your online space safe and secure. 

4 Essential Security Steps for Your WordPress Website
Step #1: Security Fundamentals

The first and most crucial step in website security is to keep your login credentials safe. Do not share your WordPress password with anyone, and make sure to change it every six months. It is also essential to have strong passwords for both your WordPress account and your primary email account. Enabling multi-factor authentication (MFA) adds an extra layer of security to your accounts and makes it difficult for hackers to gain access. If you are unsure how to enable MFA, you can follow our tutorial blog or contact a web developer for assistance. 

Additional Tips: 
  • Regular backups are essential to protect your website in case of malware attacks. By restoring a clean backup, you can quickly remove malicious files and get your site back online.
  • Use strong, unique passwords for all accounts (avoid dictionary words and personal details). 
  • Consider a password manager to generate and store complex passwords. 
  • Select a reputable web hosting provider with a strong security track record. 
  • Plugins like WordFence can limit login attempts to prevent brute-force attacks where hackers try thousands of password combinations. 
Step #2: Keeping Plug-ins and Themes updated

Another crucial aspect of website security is keeping your WordPress plugins and themes up-to-date. Neglecting to update plugins and themes can leave your site vulnerable to malware and hacking attacks. It is essential to only install plugins from verified sources and regularly check for updates. If you are unsure about a particular plugin, it is always best to consult a web developer before installing it on your site. 

Additional tips:  
  • Only install plugins from trusted developers and keep them updated. Delete unused plugins to minimize vulnerabilities. 
  • Shield Your Admin Page by changing the default admin login URL to make it harder for hackers to guess. 
  • Set appropriate file permissions to restrict access to sensitive files and folders on your server. 
How to Update a WordPress Theme 4 Essential Security Steps for Your WordPress Website
Wordfence plugin 4 Essential Security Steps for Your WordPress Website
Step #3: Installing a security plugin

We recommend installing a security plugin like WordFence on your WordPress site. It offers features like malware scans, firewall protection, and login security to protect your site from attacks. We advise you to run a scan every month to check for any suspicious activity. In case the scan detects any corrupted files, contact a web developer/security specialist immediately so that they can take prompt action before any data is lost. 

Additional Tips:  
  • Malware Scanning: Schedule regular malware scans to detect and remove any malicious code that might have infiltrated your site. 
  • Consider a Web Application Firewall (WAF): A WAF filters traffic coming to your website and can block malicious requests. 
Step #4: Do not interact with malicious popups/ads:

It is essential to be cautious of any popups that appear on your site. Some malicious popups may trick you into running a program or entering sensitive information, giving hackers access to your site. If you encounter any popups while browsing your site, please inform a security specialist immediately.

Additional Tips: 
  • Monitor your site for any suspicious activity and make regular backups to ensure the safety of your data. 
  • Regular Backups: Schedule regular backups of your website files and database. This allows you to restore your site quickly in case of an attack. 
  • Monitor User Activity: Use plugins to monitor user activity and identify suspicious login attempts.
copy fix error powershell malware malicious popup ad 4 Essential Security Steps for Your WordPress Website

In conclusion, website security is an ongoing process, and it is crucial to stay vigilant and keep your defenses up-to-date. By following the above security measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of malware and hacking attacks on your website.  

Remember to keep your login credentials safe, regularly update your plugins and themes, and run scans on your site to ensure its security. By taking these simple steps, you can protect your website and the sensitive data it holds. Stay safe and secure! 

How to set up Multi-Factor Authentication on your Microsoft 365 account

Online security is a top priority for businesses and individuals alike. With the increasing number of cyber threats and data breaches, it is essential to take measures to protect our sensitive information. One effective way to enhance security is by enabling multi-factor authentication (MFA) on your Microsoft 365 account. 

Multi-factor authentication, also known as two-factor authentication, is a security process that requires users to provide two or more forms of identification to access their account. This adds an extra layer of protection as it ensures that even if someone knows your password, they will not be able to hack into your account without the additional form of verification. 

Setting up MFA on your Microsoft 365 account is an effortless process that can be completed in a few steps: 

Step 1: Sign in to your Microsoft 365 account

The first step is to sign in to your Microsoft 365 account using your login credentials. This can be done via the desktop application or the online portal

Step 2: Go to the security and privacy settings

Once you have logged into your account, navigate to the security and privacy settings. This can usually be found under the “My Account” or “Security” tab. 

Step 3: Choose your preferred method of authentication

Microsoft 365 offers several options for MFA, including using a mobile app, phone call, or text message. Choose the method that works best for you. Using a mobile app, such as the Microsoft Authenticator app, is highly recommended as it provides an additional layer of security. 

Step 4: Set up your chosen method of authentication

If you have selected the mobile app, you will need to download and install it on your device. Once installed, follow the instructions to complete the setup process. If you have chosen the phone call or text message option, you must provide a phone number for verification. 

Step 5: Verify your identity

After setting up your chosen method of authentication, you will be prompted to verify your identity by entering a code or accepting a notification on your device. This ensures that the MFA is working correctly and can be used to access your account. 

Step 6: Save the authentication settings

Once you have successfully verified your identity, save the changes to your authentication settings. This will enable MFA on your account, and you will now need to provide the additional form of authentication whenever you log in to your Microsoft 365 account. 

Congratulations, you have now successfully enabled multi-factor authentication on your Microsoft 365 account! This will significantly enhance the security of your account and protect your sensitive information from cyber threats. 

It is essential to note that MFA should be enabled for all users in an organization, not just for a few individuals. This ensures that the entire organization’s data is safe, and any potential breaches can be prevented. Remember, security is an ongoing process, so stay vigilant and keep your defenses up-to-date!

Now you know how to protect your data from unauthorized access with Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). But what if your phone number changes?

Click below to follow our simple step-by-step guide shows you how to update your MFA phone number in minutes!

How to change MFA Phone Number for Microsoft 365 Account

As technology continues to advance and security threats become more prevalent, it is important to take proactive measures to protect your online accounts. One of the most effective ways to secure your Microsoft 365 account is by setting up Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). MFA adds an extra layer of security by requiring you to provide an additional form of verification, such as a code sent to your phone, when logging into your account. 


However, in some instances, you may need to change the MFA phone number associated with your Microsoft 365 account. This could be due to a change in your personal phone number or switching to a new device. Whatever the reason may be, it is a simple process to update your MFA phone number and ensure the security of your account. Don’t have MFA enabled yet? Scroll to the bottom of this tutorial for the guide which explains how to set it up for an extra layer of protection!


Before we dive into the steps, ensure that you have admin access to the Azure portal. Additionally, you should know the user whose MFA details will be updated. This information is crucial to ensure that the changes are made to the correct account. 


Now, let’s take a look at the steps for changing your MFA phone number for your Microsoft 365 account: 


Steps to Change the MFA Phone Number:
STEP #1: Sign in to the Azure Portal · Go to
  1. Sign in with an account that has the necessary admin permissions.
STEP #2: Navigate to Azure Active Directory
  1. In the left-hand navigation pane, select Azure Active Directory.
 STEP #3: Find the User
  1. Under Manage, select Users.

  2. Use the search bar to find the specific user whose MFA phone number you need to change.

  3. Click on the user’s name to open their profile.

 STEP #4: Manage User Settings
  1. In the user profile, under Manage, click on Authentication methods.

STEP #5: Update the Phone Number
  1. If the user has an existing phone number configured, you will see it listed.

  2. Click on the Edit icon (a pencil) next to the phone number.

  3. Update the phone number to the new desired number.

  4. Click Save.

STEP #6:  Notify the User
  1. Inform the user that their MFA phone number has been updated.

  2. The user should verify that the new phone number works for MFA by attempting to sign in.

Additional Considerations: 


  • Backup Methods: Ensure that users have backup MFA methods configured, such as an alternate phone number or an authenticator app, to avoid being locked out.
  • Policy Compliance: Verify that the change complies with your organization’s security policies.

It is important to note that you should have at least two methods of verification set up. This could be a phone number and an email address, or even two phone numbers. With multiple methods, you can ensure that you always have a way to verify your identity and access your account. 

But be mindful that changing the MFA phone number for a Microsoft 365 account will not disable MFA. The user will still be required to provide the additional factor for authentication. 

 In conclusion, with the rise in cyber threats, it is essential to secure your Microsoft 365 account with MFA. By following the simple steps outlined in this blog post, you can easily change the MFA phone number for a user account in your organization. It is recommended to regularly review and update MFA details to ensure the security of user accounts. 

Don’t have MFA enabled yet? Follow this simple guide below that explains how to set it up for an extra layer of protection!

How Microsoft helps Pakistani Businesses and startups deliver enterprise-ready AI

Have you ever felt like your business is stuck in a rut, struggling to keep up with the competition? Imagine the possibilities if you could harness the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to streamline processes, boost efficiency, and gain valuable customer insights. This isn’t science fiction anymore – Pakistani businesses like yours are already reaping the rewards of AI thanks to Microsoft’s incredible support.

Remember that nagging feeling of not having the resources or expertise to implement complex AI solutions? Microsoft understands this struggle. That’s why they’ve developed a treasure trove of tools and resources specifically designed for Pakistani businesses of all sizes. The Microsoft AI Business School feels like having a dedicated AI mentor, guiding you through online courses and resources that demystify AI and show you exactly how to leverage it in your industry.

But AI isn’t just about efficiency; it’s about making a real difference. The AI for Earth initiative tackles critical environmental challenges in Pakistan. Imagine using AI to monitor precious natural resources, analyze climate data, and develop sustainable solutions. Microsoft empowers local organizations with grants and resources to turn these ideas into reality, leaving a lasting positive impact on our country.

Look no further than Microsoft Dynamics 365. This powerful solution combines customer relationship management (CRM) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) with cutting-edge AI insights. Imagine turning your data into actionable intelligence, optimizing processes, and leaving the competition in the dust.

For aspiring entrepreneurs; Microsoft isn’t forgetting about the future. The Azure for Startups program is your launchpad to success. Access cloud services, tools, and resources to build and scale your groundbreaking AI-powered solutions. Microsoft doesn’t just provide the tools; they offer invaluable technical support and guidance to help you navigate the world of AI and turn your innovative ideas into reality.

But Microsoft goes beyond technology. They’re passionate about creating a diverse and inclusive tech landscape in Pakistan. Partnerships with universities provide AI education programs, while incubation and acceleration programs nurture the next generation of tech talent. They’re also championing gender equality in AI with initiatives like AI for Her, empowering women to develop their skills and build successful careers in this dynamic field.

The future is powered by AI, and Microsoft is your trusted partner on this exciting journey. With a comprehensive toolbox of resources, solutions, and unwavering support, they’re making AI accessible to all Pakistani businesses and startups. Join the AI revolution and unlock the full potential of your business. 

Reach out to us at ITCS, and take the first step towards a future fueled by innovation. We’re a certified Microsoft CSP tier 1 Direct Partner in Pakistan, ready to help you get started on your AI journey today. Our trained team of experts will guide you through every step, ensuring you harness the full power of AI for your business success.

How to Break Free from Restricted Mailbox Limitations

In today’s world, we are constantly connected to each other through various means of communication. One of the most popular methods of communication is through email, which allows us to send and receive messages at lightning-fast speeds. However, in the vast ocean of emails, there exists a lesser-known world that many people may not be aware of – the world of restricted email inboxes.


In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to access restricted mailboxes and unblock restricted entities. 

  • Open the Microsoft 365 Defender portal.
  • At the left menu, and below “Email & collaboration“, click on “Review“, and finally click on “Restricted entities“.
  • Find and pick users you wish to unblock on the Restricted Entities page by clicking on them, then from the above ribbon click on “Unblock“.
  • Follow the guide and unblock the user.

In conclusion, restricted email inboxes may not be widely known, but they play an important role in maintaining secure and organized communication in various settings. They offer a level of protection for sensitive information and ensure that only authorized individuals have access to it. However, they also come with their own challenges, which users need to be aware of. As we continue to navigate the world of digital communication, it is important to understand and appreciate the various methods used to safeguard our information.


What is Quarantined Mail and How to Deal With It?

Have you ever received an email that was mysteriously labeled as “quarantined” by your email provider? If so, you’re not alone. Many people have encountered this perplexing situation and wondered what it means and why it happens. In this post, we will delve into the mystery of quarantined email and shed some light on this often misunderstood phenomenon.

Firstly, let’s define what a quarantined email is. A quarantined email is essentially an email that has been flagged by your email provider as potentially harmful or suspicious. This means that the email has been isolated or “quarantined” from your inbox and placed in a separate folder for further inspection. This is done to protect you from potential threats such as viruses, spam, or phishing attempts. 

Are you stuck with quarantined mail? If so, we’ve compiled a tutorial blog for your ease so follow the steps below to effectively resolve this issue. 

STEP #1:

STEP #1: To open the Microsoft 365 Defender portal, go to Go to Review.
 STEP #2:
  • Go to Quarantine.
  • Select the email that you want to release.
STEP #1: Go to Quarantine. Select the email that you want to release.

Why Email Quarantines:

In Microsoft 365 organizations with mailboxes in Exchange Online or standalone Exchange Online Protection (EOP) organizations without Exchange Online mailboxes, quarantine is available to hold potentially dangerous or unwanted messages.

Whether a detected message is quarantined by default depends on the following factors:

In conclusion, the mystery of quarantined email is not so mysterious after all. It is a precautionary measure taken by email providers to protect users from potential threats. By understanding the reasons behind quarantined emails and following the necessary steps, we can ensure the safety and security of our email inboxes.

Mitigating the risk of insider threats with proper cybersecurity measures


Insider threats pose a significant risk to any organization’s cybersecurity. These threats are typically caused by employees or contractors who have access to sensitive information and systems, and they can result in data breaches, financial losses, and reputational damage. In fact, according to a recent study, insider threats account for 34% of all data breaches, making it a top concern for businesses. 

So, what can organizations do to mitigate the risk of insider threats? One of the primary strategies is to implement proper cybersecurity measures, and this is where popular cybersecurity services providers come into play. 

Here are some ways that outsourcing cybersecurity services can help mitigate the risk of insider threats

Comprehensive Security Solutions

Popular cybersecurity services providers offer a wide range of services that cover all aspects of a company’s cybersecurity. This includes network security, data encryption, threat detection and prevention, and employee training. By outsourcing to these providers, organizations can ensure that all their bases are covered, reducing the risk of insider threats.

Continuous Monitoring

Insider threats can be difficult to detect, as they often involve authorized users. However, popular cybersecurity services providers offer 24/7 monitoring of networks and systems, allowing for quick detection of any unusual activity. This can help prevent insider threats from causing significant damage

Access Control

One of the main ways to minimize insider threats is by controlling access to sensitive information and systems. Popular cybersecurity services providers can help with implementing access control measures, such as two-factor authentication and role-based access, to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to crucial data. 

Constant Updates and Patching

Cybercriminals are constantly evolving their tactics, and organizations need to stay up-to-date with the latest security measures. Popular cybersecurity services providers continuously update their tools and software to stay ahead of potential threats. This ensures that organizations have the most up-to-date protection against insider threats. 

Employee Training

It is essential to educate employees about cybersecurity best practices and the potential risks of insider threats. Popular cybersecurity services providers offer training programs that can help employees identify and prevent potential insider threats. These training programs cover topics like password hygiene, phishing scams, and social engineering tactics.

24/7 Support

In case of a security incident, it is crucial to have immediate support and guidance. Popular cybersecurity services providers offer round-the-clock customer support to help organizations handle any potential insider threats promptly.

Optimizing Organizational Cybersecurity

In conclusion, insider threats are a growing concern for organizations of all sizes. Utilizing the services of popular cybersecurity service providers can help mitigate the risk of insider threats by providing comprehensive security solutions, continuous monitoring, strict access control measures, regular updates and patching, employee training, and 24/7 support. With these measures in place, organizations can ensure that their sensitive data and systems are protected against potential insider threats. 

Domain Health, Your Guide to a Healthy Website

Maintaining a healthy domain is crucial for smooth email delivery, secure access, and overall user experience. Thankfully, the Microsoft 365 admin center offers a built-in “Domain Health” feature to help you diagnose and address any potential issues. In this blog post, we’ll delve into what Domain Health is, how to use it, and the key factors contributing to a healthy domain within Microsoft 365. Let’s get started and ensure your domain thrives!

Step #1:

First you need to go to Microsoft 365 Admin Center( 

Step #2:

You can find “Domains” under Settings. 

Under Domains you can view health status for your domain. 

Check Domain Status:

Green Checkmark: The domain is healthy and properly configured. 

Yellow Triangle: The domain requires attention or has a configuration issue. 

Gray Question Mark: The domain status is unknown, or verification is in progress. 

Red X: There is a critical issue with the domain that needs immediate attention. 

Step #3:

You can manage domain by clicking on it. 

DNS records can be updated here there are three records type MX, TXT and CNAME. 

All records status should be healthy to smooth mail flow. 

And that’s it! By taking advantage of the Domain Health feature and following the insights it provides, you can ensure your Microsoft 365 domain runs smoothly and efficiently. Remember, a healthy domain is a happy domain, and a happy domain means a happier you! 


For further assistance with managing your domain health, feel free to reach out to our IT experts @ contact

Technology abstract blue architecture. AI generated Image by rawpixel.

Inbox overflowing? The answer’s in the cloud.

It's no secret that the internet has changed the way we store and access information. Gone are the days of dusty filing cabinets and piles of paperwork, replaced instead by online storage and archiving systems. Online archiving, also known as digital archiving, is the process of storing and preserving digital documents and records for future reference. This can include anything from text documents and images to videos and audio files.

The goal of online archiving is to create a secure and organized system for storing large amounts of information, making it easily accessible for years to come. So why is online archiving becoming increasingly popular? Well, for starters, it offers a much more efficient and space-saving solution compared to traditional paper storage. With online archiving, there's no need for physical space to store boxes of paperwork or folders, as all documents are stored digitally in the cloud.

Follow this simple tutorial to learn how online archiving can save you time!


• Go to

• Go to Compliance Centre.

Mail Box

STEP #2:

• Go to Exchange (Legacy)

STEP #3:

• Then go to MRM Retention Tags and create a new tag.

STEP #4:

  • On the Define retention settingspage, complete the following fields:
    1. When items reaches the following age (in days)Enter the duration of the retention period. For this scenario, items will be moved to the archive mailbox after 1095 days (3 years).
    2. For the Retention ActionSelect Move item to archive to move items to the archive mailbox when the retention period expires.
  • Select Next, and then review and submit to create the custom archive DPT.

The new archive DPT is displayed in the list of retention tags.

Online Archiving
  • Now From Exchange select MRM Retention Policies and create a new Policy. 
  • Then enter a unique name and Add the tag that you created before. 
  • Now select the user for which you need to apply archiving on. 
  • Now click on Edit Exchange Properties. 
  • Now from the Mailbox tab, go to Manage mailbox policies. 
  • Now in the retention policy select the policy that you created. 
  • In the Others tab, click on Manage mailbox archive and enable it. 


And that’s it! Now, you know online archiving also helps businesses and organizations save on costs.


With no physical storage space required and less need for printing and maintaining paper documents, companies can save money on storage and printing expenses.


Ready to dive into the world of online archiving? Share your biggest concerns or best practices in the comments below!

How to prepare for a smooth transition to the cloud.

Moving to cloud computing can be a game-changer for businesses, offering countless benefits such as improved scalability, cost savings, and increased accessibility. However, transitioning to the cloud can also be a daunting task for many organizations. It requires careful planning, preparation, and execution to ensure a smooth and successful migration. In this blog post, we will discuss how to prepare for a smooth transition to the cloud.

Understand Your Business Needs

Before embarking on a cloud migration journey, it is essential to have a thorough understanding of your business needs. This includes identifying your current IT infrastructure, applications, and data storage requirements. A comprehensive assessment of your existing systems will help you determine which workloads are suitable for the cloud and how they can be optimized for maximum efficiency.

Choose the Right Cloud Provider

Selecting the right cloud provider is crucial for a successful transition. There are various cloud service providers in the market, each offering unique features and pricing models. It is essential to research and compare different providers to find the one that aligns with your business needs and budget. Consider factors such as reliability, security, and customer support when making your decision.

Educate Your Team

Transitioning to the cloud involves more than just technology; it also requires a cultural shift within your organization. It is crucial to educate your team about the benefits of cloud computing and how it will impact their day-to-day tasks. This will help them understand the changes and adapt to the new processes quickly.

Develop a Migration Strategy

A well-defined migration strategy is crucial for a smooth transition to the cloud. It should outline the step-by-step process for moving your workloads, applications, and data to the cloud. A good strategy should include a timeline, budget, and backup plans in case of any unforeseen issues. and help you stay ahead in today’s competitive business landscape.

Prioritize Workloads

Not all workloads are suitable for the cloud, and prioritizing them is crucial for a successful migration. Start by moving the low-risk and non-critical workloads to the cloud, and then gradually migrate the more sensitive ones. It is also essential to consider the interdependencies between different workloads to avoid disruption to your business operations.

Ensure Security and Compliance

Security and compliance should be top priorities when moving to the cloud. The cloud provider you choose should have robust security measures in place to safeguard your data. You should also ensure that your data is compliant with relevant regulations, such as GDPR or HIPAA, depending on your industry.

Test and Monitor

Before fully transitioning to the cloud, it is crucial to test and monitor the migrated workloads to ensure they are functioning correctly. This will help identify and fix any issues before they impact your business operations. It is also essential to continuously monitor your systems after the migration to detect any potential problems and address them promptly.


In conclusion, transitioning to the cloud requires proper planning and preparation. By understanding your business needs, selecting the right cloud provider, educating your team, developing a migration strategy, prioritizing workloads, ensuring security and compliance, and testing and monitoring, you can have a successful and smooth transition to the cloud. With the right approach, cloud computing can bring numerous benefits to your organization, and help you stay ahead in today’s competitive business landscape.