How to set up Multi-Factor Authentication on your Microsoft 365 account

Online security is a top priority for businesses and individuals alike. With the increasing number of cyber threats and data breaches, it is essential to take measures to protect our sensitive information. One effective way to enhance security is by enabling multi-factor authentication (MFA) on your Microsoft 365 account. 

Multi-factor authentication, also known as two-factor authentication, is a security process that requires users to provide two or more forms of identification to access their account. This adds an extra layer of protection as it ensures that even if someone knows your password, they will not be able to hack into your account without the additional form of verification. 

Setting up MFA on your Microsoft 365 account is an effortless process that can be completed in a few steps: 

Step 1: Sign in to your Microsoft 365 account

The first step is to sign in to your Microsoft 365 account using your login credentials. This can be done via the desktop application or the online portal

Step 2: Go to the security and privacy settings

Once you have logged into your account, navigate to the security and privacy settings. This can usually be found under the “My Account” or “Security” tab. 

Step 3: Choose your preferred method of authentication

Microsoft 365 offers several options for MFA, including using a mobile app, phone call, or text message. Choose the method that works best for you. Using a mobile app, such as the Microsoft Authenticator app, is highly recommended as it provides an additional layer of security. 

Step 4: Set up your chosen method of authentication

If you have selected the mobile app, you will need to download and install it on your device. Once installed, follow the instructions to complete the setup process. If you have chosen the phone call or text message option, you must provide a phone number for verification. 

Step 5: Verify your identity

After setting up your chosen method of authentication, you will be prompted to verify your identity by entering a code or accepting a notification on your device. This ensures that the MFA is working correctly and can be used to access your account. 

Step 6: Save the authentication settings

Once you have successfully verified your identity, save the changes to your authentication settings. This will enable MFA on your account, and you will now need to provide the additional form of authentication whenever you log in to your Microsoft 365 account. 

Congratulations, you have now successfully enabled multi-factor authentication on your Microsoft 365 account! This will significantly enhance the security of your account and protect your sensitive information from cyber threats. 

It is essential to note that MFA should be enabled for all users in an organization, not just for a few individuals. This ensures that the entire organization’s data is safe, and any potential breaches can be prevented. Remember, security is an ongoing process, so stay vigilant and keep your defenses up-to-date!

Now you know how to protect your data from unauthorized access with Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). But what if your phone number changes?

Click below to follow our simple step-by-step guide shows you how to update your MFA phone number in minutes!

How to change MFA Phone Number for Microsoft 365 Account

As technology continues to advance and security threats become more prevalent, it is important to take proactive measures to protect your online accounts. One of the most effective ways to secure your Microsoft 365 account is by setting up Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). MFA adds an extra layer of security by requiring you to provide an additional form of verification, such as a code sent to your phone, when logging into your account. 


However, in some instances, you may need to change the MFA phone number associated with your Microsoft 365 account. This could be due to a change in your personal phone number or switching to a new device. Whatever the reason may be, it is a simple process to update your MFA phone number and ensure the security of your account. Don’t have MFA enabled yet? Scroll to the bottom of this tutorial for the guide which explains how to set it up for an extra layer of protection!


Before we dive into the steps, ensure that you have admin access to the Azure portal. Additionally, you should know the user whose MFA details will be updated. This information is crucial to ensure that the changes are made to the correct account. 


Now, let’s take a look at the steps for changing your MFA phone number for your Microsoft 365 account: 


Steps to Change the MFA Phone Number:
STEP #1: Sign in to the Azure Portal · Go to
  1. Sign in with an account that has the necessary admin permissions.
STEP #2: Navigate to Azure Active Directory
  1. In the left-hand navigation pane, select Azure Active Directory.
 STEP #3: Find the User
  1. Under Manage, select Users.

  2. Use the search bar to find the specific user whose MFA phone number you need to change.

  3. Click on the user’s name to open their profile.

 STEP #4: Manage User Settings
  1. In the user profile, under Manage, click on Authentication methods.

STEP #5: Update the Phone Number
  1. If the user has an existing phone number configured, you will see it listed.

  2. Click on the Edit icon (a pencil) next to the phone number.

  3. Update the phone number to the new desired number.

  4. Click Save.

STEP #6:  Notify the User
  1. Inform the user that their MFA phone number has been updated.

  2. The user should verify that the new phone number works for MFA by attempting to sign in.

Additional Considerations: 


  • Backup Methods: Ensure that users have backup MFA methods configured, such as an alternate phone number or an authenticator app, to avoid being locked out.
  • Policy Compliance: Verify that the change complies with your organization’s security policies.

It is important to note that you should have at least two methods of verification set up. This could be a phone number and an email address, or even two phone numbers. With multiple methods, you can ensure that you always have a way to verify your identity and access your account. 

But be mindful that changing the MFA phone number for a Microsoft 365 account will not disable MFA. The user will still be required to provide the additional factor for authentication. 

 In conclusion, with the rise in cyber threats, it is essential to secure your Microsoft 365 account with MFA. By following the simple steps outlined in this blog post, you can easily change the MFA phone number for a user account in your organization. It is recommended to regularly review and update MFA details to ensure the security of user accounts. 

Don’t have MFA enabled yet? Follow this simple guide below that explains how to set it up for an extra layer of protection!

Domain Health, Your Guide to a Healthy Website

Maintaining a healthy domain is crucial for smooth email delivery, secure access, and overall user experience. Thankfully, the Microsoft 365 admin center offers a built-in “Domain Health” feature to help you diagnose and address any potential issues. In this blog post, we’ll delve into what Domain Health is, how to use it, and the key factors contributing to a healthy domain within Microsoft 365. Let’s get started and ensure your domain thrives!

Step #1:

First you need to go to Microsoft 365 Admin Center( 

Step #2:

You can find “Domains” under Settings. 

Under Domains you can view health status for your domain. 

Check Domain Status:

Green Checkmark: The domain is healthy and properly configured. 

Yellow Triangle: The domain requires attention or has a configuration issue. 

Gray Question Mark: The domain status is unknown, or verification is in progress. 

Red X: There is a critical issue with the domain that needs immediate attention. 

Step #3:

You can manage domain by clicking on it. 

DNS records can be updated here there are three records type MX, TXT and CNAME. 

All records status should be healthy to smooth mail flow. 

And that’s it! By taking advantage of the Domain Health feature and following the insights it provides, you can ensure your Microsoft 365 domain runs smoothly and efficiently. Remember, a healthy domain is a happy domain, and a happy domain means a happier you! 


For further assistance with managing your domain health, feel free to reach out to our IT experts @ contact

Your Guide to Mastering Email Forwarding

Have you ever experienced the overwhelming feeling of having your inbox flooded with messages, posing a threat to your productivity? Rest assured, because you are not alone. Effectively managing emails can be quite challenging. However, busy professionals need not worry! There exists a potent tool hidden within your email settings: email forwarding.

Beyond its simple definition, email forwarding offers a surprising depth of functionality, capable of streamlining your workflow, enhancing collaboration, and ensuring important information reaches the right people, every time.

Intrigued? Follow us as we dive deeper into this tutorial of email forwarding. We’ll explore its various applications, from basic message redirection to advanced filtering and automation, all designed to help you. 

Step #1: Exchange Admin Center

First you need to go to Exchange Admin Center (


Step #2: Create Rules

Then expand “Mail Flow” and select “Rules”.

Under Rules, click on “Add a rule” and then “Create a New Rule”.

Your Guide to Mastering Email Forwarding

Step #3: Setting up Conditions for Email Transportation

This is an important step. First, we Define Forwarding Conditions:

  • Give your rule a clear and descriptive name (e.g., “Arif to Dawood”).
  • Under “Apply this Rule if” choose “The recipient is.”
  • Under “is this person”, select one.
  • Then, under “Do the following” 
  • Select “Redirect the message to”  
  • Then select “These recipient”
Your Guide to Mastering Email Forwarding

After filling out the fields your rule will look like.

Now click on “Next” button.


Your Guide to Mastering Email Forwarding

Step #4: Set Rule Settings

  • Under “Set rule settings”.
  • You can select the Activation and Deactivation time for your rule.
  • After setting up click on “Next” button.
Your Guide to Mastering Email Forwarding

Step #5: Review and Finish

  • Under “Review and Finish”.
  • Review all your configuration and then click finish.
Your Guide to Mastering Email Forwarding

Step #6: Enable Rule

When you create new rule by default it is in disabled state.

You must click on your rule and then enable it manually.


Your Guide to Mastering Email Forwarding

And that’s it! Stay tuned as we explore different forwarding techniques, best practices, and insider tips to help you achieve the full potential of this powerful tool. Remember, conquering your inbox starts with one forward at a time!


Stay tuned for further insights and tips on email forwarding in the upcoming posts!

Exporting Mailbox Data to PST Files in Microsoft 365

In the present era of global connectivity, it is inevitable to create a digital trail consisting of emails, contacts, and calendar entries. However, what if you find yourself needing to transition to a different platform or safeguard important data from your Microsoft 365 mailbox?  

If you have accumulated years of emails, contacts, and calendar entries in your Microsoft 365 mailbox, it is important to preserve that data for future reference. However, you shouldn’t have to rely solely on a cloud account to access it.

That’s where PST files come in – they serve as personal storage containers for your needs.

PST files play a crucial role as personal storage containers to cater to your requirements. In this guide, we will delve into a vital technique to export your Microsoft 365 mailbox to a PST file.

Gain complete control and uninterrupted access to your valuable information by taking this step. Regardless of any changes in your subscription, you will always have the power to manage and retrieve your data.

But Why Export?

There are multiple justifications for exporting your Microsoft 365 mailbox, which may include:

Archiving: Preserve previous emails for sentimental purposes or legal requirements, regardless of your current account status.

Migration: Transfer your data to a different email platform or local backup.  

Downsizing: Free up space in your online mailbox for better performance.

In this guide, we will provide a comprehensive explanation of one of the techniques available for exporting your mailbox data into PST files. This method involves leveraging the Content Search option within the system of M365 Admin Centre. 

By Using Content Search

Step ONE: Sign in to Microsoft 365 Admin Center

Step TWO: Access the Security & Compliance Center

  • In the Microsoft 365 Admin Center, select “Admin centers” from the left-hand navigation menu. 
  • Choose “Security & Compliance” from the list of admin centers.

Step THREE: Create a New Content Search

  • In the Security & Compliance Center, go to “Search” on the left-hand navigation pane. 
  • Click on “Content search.” 

Step Four: Create a New Content Search Query

  • Click the “+ New search” button to create a new content search.
  • Provide a name and description for the search. 

Step FIVE: Define Search Criteria:

  • Click on “Add conditions” to define your search criteria. You have the ability to define specific criteria such as keywords, date ranges, and sender/recipient information.

Step SIX: Configure the Output Settings

  • After defining your search criteria, click “Next” to configure the output settings. 
  • Choose “Modify the search query” and select the “Include all items” option. 

Step SEVEN: Specify the Mailboxes to Export

  • Click “Next” to specify the mailboxes from which you want to export data. 
  • You can select specific mailboxes or apply the search to all mailboxes. 

Step EIGHT: Choose the Export Settings

  • Click “Next” to configure export settings. 
  • Choose “Export to a PST file.” 
  • Specify a location to store the exported PST files. 

Step NINE: Start the Export

  • Click “Next” to review your settings. 
  • Click “Save & run” to start the export process. 

Step TEN: Monitor the Export Job

  • You can monitor the status of the export job from the “Content search” page in the Security & Compliance Center. 
  • Once the export is complete, you can download the PST files from the specified location. 

Gaining access through eDiscovery

Sometimes, a user does not have access to make PST Files. In situations where a user lacks permission to create PST files, we can leverage eDiscovery to grant access. Follow these steps:


Step ONE: Sign in to Microsoft 365 Admin Center

  • Sign into Microsoft 365 Admin Center:

  • Go to the Microsoft 365 Admin Center (

  • Sign in with an account that has the necessary administrative privileges.

Step two: Access Security & Compliance Center

  • In the Admin Center, navigate to the “Admin Centers” section.

  • Click on “Security & Compliance” to access the Security & Compliance Center.


Step three: Navigate to eDiscovery:

  • In the Security & Compliance Center, go to the “Solutions” section.

  • Click on “eDiscovery” to access the eDiscovery dashboard.


Step Four: Create a New eDiscovery Case:

  • Click on the “+ Create a case” button to create a new eDiscovery case.

  • Provide a name and description for the case.


Step Five: Add Members to the eDiscovery Case:

  • In the eDiscovery case settings, add the necessary members who should have permission to access and download the PST file.


Step Six: Create a New eDiscovery Search:

  • Within the eDiscovery case, click on the “Search” tab.

  • Create a new eDiscovery search by clicking on “New search.”


Step Seven: Configure Search Criteria:

  • Define the search criteria to identify the mailboxes or content you want to export to a PST file. This may include specifying keywords, date ranges, etc.


Step Eight: Start the Search:

  • Initiate the search to identify the relevant content.

Step Nine: Start the Search:

  • Once the search is complete, review the search results to ensure they match your criteria.

Step Ten: Export Search Results to a PST File:

  • After reviewing the search results, go to the “Export” tab.

  • Follow the prompts to export the search results to a PST file.

  • Configure Export Settings:

  • Set the export settings, including the destination location for the PST file and any additional options.


That’s it! With these simple steps, you can easily export your Microsoft 365 mailbox data and ensure its safekeeping. 

Remember, the best method for you depends on your needs and technical skills. Choose the one that fits your comfort level and get exporting! 

I hope this short guide helps you navigate the world of Microsoft 365 mailbox exports.  


Allowing/Blocking Emails or Domains in Microsoft 365

Tired of being swamped by a flood of unwanted emails? Longing for the ability to manage your chaotic inbox?  

It’s completely understandable to feel overwhelmed by the influx of unwanted emails. You’re not alone in this constant battle against spam and irrelevant messages.   

However, there’s no need to worry, as there are effective ways to regain control over your inbox!   

We’ve prepared for you, a comprehensive tutorial that will guide you with the necessary knowledge and tools to curate your email experience, enabling you to embrace the desired emails and eliminate the unwanted ones.  


Step ONE: Sign in to Microsoft 365 Admin Center

Step TWO: Access the Exchange Admin Center

  • In the Microsoft 365 Admin Center, select “Admin Centers” from the left-hand navigation menu. 
  • Choose “Exchange” from the list of admin centers. 

Step THREE: Navigate to Mail Flow Rules

  • In the Exchange Admin Center, go to “mail flow” from the left-hand navigation pane. 
  • Click on “rules.” 

Step FOUR: Create a New Rule (Allow/Block)

  • To allow or block emails from specific senders or domains, you can create a new rule. 
  • Click on the “+” (New) button to create a new rule. 
  • Choose “Create a new rule” from the dropdown. 

Step FIVE: Configure the Rule

  • Give your rule a name that describes its purpose. 
  • Under “Apply this rule if,” you can specify the conditions such as the sender’s address or domain. 
  • Under “Do the following,” select either “Block the message” or “Redirect the message to” and specify the action. 

Step SIX: Save the Rule:

  • After configuring the rule, click “Save” to apply it. 
  • This rule will now allow or block emails from the specified sender addresses or domains based on your configuration. 

Now you can experience a world without spammy marketing blasts or annoying notifications that clutter your inbox. Say goodbye to wasting precious time sorting through irrelevant emails.


With the power to allow and block, you can create a personalized email sanctuary where only important and desired messages flow freely.


Microsoft Dynamics 365, Your Strategic Weapon for a Competitive Edge

Dynamics 365

Microsoft Dynamics 365, Your Strategic Weapon for a Competitive Edge

Organizations in a variety of industries face a multitude of obstacles in today’s fast-paced business environment, which limits their capacity to expand and attain long-term financial success.  

These problems are frequently caused by ineffective business processes, a lack of teamwork, bad judgment, and trouble with overseeing remote work arrangements.  

Businesses need to be efficient, innovative, and flexible in order to stay ahead of the curve in the face of ever-changing consumer demands, market trends, and technological breakthroughs.  

In such expeditious environments, it is hard to go from task to mundane task and it is frequently necessary to strategically refocus effort from routine, repetitive tasks to higher-value operations that foster growth and competitive advantage. 

With a full suite of business apps intended to improve communication, empower data-driven decision-making, expedite processes, and enable seamless remote work, Microsoft Dynamics 365 stands out as a potent remedy to these problems. 

Dynamics 365, Your Right Hand in Business Operations

Microsoft Dynamics 365 goes beyond simply strengthening your operations and decision-making. It serves as a powerful catalyst for achieving a significant competitive edge in today’s dynamic business landscape.  

Listed below are six reasons why you should consider Dynamics 365 as your right-hand in streamlining your business. 

Unlocking Agility and Innovation

Empowering experimentation and rapid prototyping: Dynamics 365’s cloud-based platform and flexible architecture enable businesses to quickly test new ideas, implement changes, and adapt to market shifts with agility.

Making data-driven decisions easier: Businesses can use real-time insights and advanced analytics to identify opportunities, make informed decisions, and pivot strategies as needed to stay ahead of the competition.

Enabling new business models: Dynamics 365 gives businesses the tools and capabilities they need to explore and implement innovative business models, allowing them to disrupt the market and seize new opportunities.

Security and Compliance Enhancements

Microsoft’s reliable security infrastructure: Use Microsoft’s industry-leading security features to secure data against unauthorized access, compliance risks, and cyber threats. 

Data encryption and access controls: Use granular access controls and data encryption protocols to ensure data privacy and regulatory compliance. 

Automated security updates: Receive security updates and patches automatically to stay ahead of emerging threats and keep your environment secure. 


Fostering Customer Centricity and Loyalty

Predicting customer needs and delivering personalized experiences: Leverage AI and machine learning capabilities to anticipate customer needs and offer highly personalized products, services, and recommendations, exceeding expectations and building lasting loyalty. 

Proactively resolving customer issues: AI-powered chatbots and intelligent service tools enable businesses to provide 24/7 support, resolve issues quickly, and build stronger customer relationships. 

Creating a seamless omnichannel experience: Dynamics 365 integrates seamlessly across all touchpoints, providing a consistent and engaging customer experience that builds brand loyalty and drives repeat business. 

Improved Financial Management and Compliance

Streamlining financial processes: Automate accounting tasks, efficiently manage cash flow, and gain real-time financial knowledge to make informed financial decisions and maximize profitability. 

Simplifying compliance and risk management: Dynamics 365 assists businesses in effectively complying with complex regulations and managing risk, ensuring financial stability and peace of mind. 

Making more informed investments: Businesses can use real-time data and predictive analytics to allocate resources tactically, value investments, and maximize return on investment. 

Building a resilient Organization

Scalability and adaptability: The cloud-based platform and modular architecture of Dynamics 365 enable businesses to rapidly grow and adapt to changing market conditions, ensuring a long-term competitive advantage. 

Improved security and data protection: Microsoft’s robust security systems and data protection features protect sensitive information while also ensuring compliance with evolving privacy regulations. 

Creating a data-driven culture: Dynamics 365 fosters a culture centered around data in which employees at all levels have possession of real-time insights, allowing for informed decision-making and constant enhancement throughout the organization. 

Optimizing the Supply Chain and Operations:

Gaining real-time visibility and control: Track inventory levels, monitor production processes, and anticipate disruptions with real-time insights to optimize supply chain efficiency and reduce costs. 

Automating manual tasks: Eliminate manual processes in order fulfillment, inventory management, and production planning to reduce errors and improve operational efficiency. 

Predictive maintenance and proactive interventions: Use machine learning and artificial intelligence to predict equipment failures and proactively schedule maintenance, minimizing downtime and ensuring smooth operations. 

Microsoft Dynamics 365, Your Strategic Weapon for a Competitive Edge!

Microsoft Dynamics 365 is not just a business optimization tool, but a strategic asset that empowers organizations to gain a significant competitive edge.  

By strategically utilizing Microsoft Dynamics 365, businesses can unlock numerous benefits. From streamlining operations and enhancing customer engagement to empowering collaboration and ensuring security, Dynamics 365 equips organizations with the tools they need to thrive in the marketplace and achieve sustainable success.  

Choose Innovation, Choose ITCS

ITCS, a leading provider of IT solutions and services, is dedicated to assisting businesses in maximizing their productivity with Microsoft Dynamic 365.  

With more than a decade’s experience of proven proficiency, our dedicated team of professionals have extensive knowledge of how our business solutions can streamline your business operations, ensuring a smooth and impactful execution within your organization.  

Don’t wait! Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn how Microsoft Dynamics 365 can transform your business.  

Revolutionizing the future of coding with Microsoft Copilot

Microsoft Copilot

Revolutionizing the future of coding with Microsoft Copilot

Coding is a difficult and sophisticated process that requires a thorough understanding of programming languages, algorithms and data structures. For beginners, it can be a frustrating and time-consuming process.  

What if you had an automated assistant at your beck and call, ready to aid you in all types of coding inefficiencies? That dream turns into a reality with Microsoft Copilot, an AI-powered coding assistant that helps developers write better code, faster.  

Revealed at Microsoft Ignite 2023, this revolutionary copilot experience transcends web browsing, PC usage, and work scenarios, reshaping how you effortlessly access skills. Microsoft, your trusted Copilot companion, is on a mission to bring the revolutionary power of Copilot to everyone, reshaping the landscape of both professional and personal tasks. 

The Rapid Enterprise Adoption of Microsoft Copilot

As of November 1, 2023, Copilot for Microsoft 365 is now accessible to enterprises far and wide. Esteemed organizations such as Visa, BP, Honda, Pfizer, and Chevron, alongside partners like Accenture, EY,  KPMG,  Kyndryl, and PwC are already harnessing the remarkable capabilities of Copilot. 

The New Work Trend Index reveals that Copilot is not just a tool but a productivity and creativity enhancer, saving valuable time for users. An overwhelming 77 percent of users are reluctant to part with Copilot, citing its positive impact. Experiment results show a remarkable 29 percent overall speed boost in various tasks and a fourfold increase in catching up on missed meetings. 

Updates to the Copilot Product Line-Up

Bing Chat and Bing Chat Enterprise are now seamlessly integrated into Copilot, making it even more accessible and user-friendly. This fundamental tool includes elements like question answering, content production, data reasoning, and real-time information access via web grounding. Copilot ensures commercial data privacy while logged in with Entra ID, protecting your chat data. 

Introducing Microsoft Copilot Studio

At Ignite, Microsoft Copilot Studio takes center stage, supplying a low-code tool for customizing Copilot for Microsoft 365 and creating standalone copilots. This adaptable tool combines conversational capabilities such as custom GPTs, generative AI plugins, and manual topics.  

Copilot Studio improves copilot and custom GPT customization, testing, and publishing while ensuring secure management and analytics. Integration with Copilot for Microsoft 365 is currently in preview. 

Copilot for Microsoft 365—Your AI Assistant at Work

Three exciting updates were revealed at Ignite: enhanced personalization, advanced mathematical and analysis capabilities, and Copilot’s active collaboration participation.  

Users can now tailor Copilot in Word and PowerPoint to their specific roles and preferences. Furthermore, for mathematical analysis, Copilot in Excel supports natural language interaction. 

Copilot in Microsoft Teams:

New Copilot experiences in Teams will elevate it to a valuable meeting assistant in the coming year. Copilot in collaborative notes captures meeting discussions, and Copilot in Teams channels aids in post synthesis, action item extraction, and key decision review.   

The intelligent recap, integrated into Copilot in December 2023, provides meeting summaries with key points, action items, and decisions. 

Copilot in Microsoft Outlook:

Expected in early 2024, Copilot in Outlook helps users prepare for meetings by summarizing invitation details, related emails, and documents. Copilot also streamlines email thread navigation, offering summaries and proposing follow-up actions. It can even assist in scheduling meetings on specific topics, suggesting attendees, agendas, and available time slots. 

Copilot in Microsoft Loop:

Copilot in Loop, integrated with Microsoft Loop, supplies intelligent page creation and workspace status, offering insights into the team’s progress and upcoming deadlines. 

Copilot in Microsoft Word and PowerPoint:

Soon, Copilot in Word will support catchup and comments for quick document revision insights, while Copilot in PowerPoint will leverage a brand asset and image library for AI-generated visuals. 

New Microsoft Viva Value Coming to Copilot:

The Microsoft Copilot Dashboard, powered by Viva, is now in preview. It offers insights into Copilot adoption, usage metrics, and its impact on productivity across Microsoft 365 apps. 

Other Copilot Updates:

Topics in Copilot enable businesses to effectively distribute knowledge. The Windows App introduces new preview features that connect users to Windows in the cloud across multiple platforms. In early 2024, Copilot for Microsoft 365 will be seamlessly integrated into the Windows desktop.  

Look into the most recent GPU support in Windows 365, with AI capabilities providing Cloud PC resizing recommendations. With Windows Autopatch, streamlined update management is now a reality, covering frontline worker devices and integrating updates across Windows devices, Windows 365, Microsoft 365 apps, Teams, and Microsoft Edge.  

Choose Innovation, Choose ITCS

ITCS, a leading provider of IT solutions and services, is dedicated to assisting businesses in maximizing the capabilities of Microsoft Copilot. With more than a decade’s experience of proven proficiency, our dedicated team of professionals has extensive knowledge of Microsoft Copilot deployment, training, and support, ensuring a smooth and impactful execution within your organization. 

Don’t wait. Partner with ITCS now and experience the transformative power of this groundbreaking tool. 

Microsoft 365 and Its Significance to SMEs

Microsoft 365
Microsoft 365 and Its Significance to SMEs

Companies, that are built to last beyond the founder’s lifetime, have one thing in common. They are both efficient and effective. They optimize the bottom-line outcomes by utilizing their resources in a way that is unique, smart, and cost-effective. 

Now in the post-modern contemporary age, we see businesses equipping themselves with all sorts of innovative tools that are not only acting as the support system for the business but also a way to make processes faster, create an ease of access and generate efficiency.  

Traditionally, these high-end productivity tools were employed solely by large corporations, now although the inflection point has passed, Small Medium Business Enterprises ought to deploy these productive suites to remain relevant and thrive. 


SMBs Must Embrace AI and Productivity Tools to Thrive, Says Microsoft

The recent induction of Generative AI and Deep Learning mass adoption and rolling out in the consumer markets, its use cases are yet to be explored fully, but it remains foreseen and anticipated that organizations be they small or large will only propel further as leaders if they incorporate it in their core and augmented dimensions of businesses. 

Microsoft being a leader and staunch expert in AI, as is evident from the fact that they have funded the Open AI projects most notably “Chat Gpt”, and it intends to make these features available in their productivity suite. 

 As quoted directly from Microsoft official announcement:   SMBs are rapidly becoming the new adopters of AI. Businesses are using AI-powered tools for sales and marketing automation and business operations automation. In fact, in a recent survey of 550 businesses with fewer than 200 employees, 72 percent said they are familiar with AI tools, with 48 percent using them daily.” 

And these numbers are expected to grow by far and large sooner than thought! 

From Corporations to SMBs; How Microsoft 365 Paves the Way

Microsoft 365 offers a remarkable range of tools like Customer Voice, Dynamics 365, and Power Platform. These tools empower you to collect valuable customer feedback, streamline your processes, and even automate operations.  

It’s like having a personal assistant who can handle all your administrative tasks, so you can focus on what requires your most attention: running your business. Microsoft 365 is sort of like that personal assistant, but for your SME.   


“There are 11 million SMBs that now rely on Microsoft 365 solutions to help them achieve more than ever.” 

— Microsoft, 2023 


If we scour the blueprint of successful enterprises, we see Microsoft 365 services being avidly used in all of those spaces, enhancing the way businesses operate. From retail to telco to services, Microsoft 365 is helping businesses in every industry thrive.  

Retail businesses around the globe are improving their operational efficiency, customer satisfaction, and overall business performance using Microsoft 365 which is essentially enabling them to work better, serve customers better and sell more. Whereas in the service industry, Microsoft 365 helps service businesses give great customer service, work together easily, and make better decisions with their data, so they can serve their customers even better. 

So whether you’re in retail, hospitality, or the booming delivery industry, Microsoft 365 is your secret weapon to deliver outstanding customer service.  

Grow your Business with Microsoft 365

If you’re looking for ways to reach and exceed your business goals, Microsoft 365 is a great place to start. With its wide range of tools and services, Microsoft 365 can help you improve your business in every way.  

Ready to streamline your business for the future? Connect with ITCS today to get your business equipped with Microsoft 365! 

Message Trace in Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365
Message Trace in Microsoft 365

Message Trace in Microsoft 365 is a valuable tool for investigating email delivery issues, tracking message flow, and ensuring that important emails are reaching their intended recipients. It provides a detailed record of the path that an email message takes through your organization’s email infrastructure, from the time it is sent until it is delivered to the recipient’s inbox. 

How do you use this tool?? Below is a step-by-step guide on how to perform Message Trace in Microsoft 365. 


Step 1: Access the Exchange Admin Center

First you need to go to Exchange Admin Center ( 

Step 2: Starting a Message Trace

Then inside “Mail Flow” click on “Message Trace” and then “Start a Trace”.

Step 3: Message Trace Filtering Options

  1. By default, Message Trace will trace all messages. You can filter your trace by sender and recipient email address. 
  2. You can select a tracing range in days. 
  3. In this section you can filter your message trace by delivery status. Also, if you know the message ID of an email then you can easily put it in this field. Message direction can be inbound or outbound. You can also insert the client IP if you know it.
  4. You can select whether to access the report online or download it as a CSV file.

Can't find a message in Message Trace?

If a message is not found in Microsoft 365 Message Trace, there could be several reasons for this issue: 

Message Hasn’t Reached Microsoft 365: The message may not have reached the Microsoft 365 environment yet. This can happen if there are delays in the email routing or if the message is still in transit. 

Search Criteria: The search criteria you entered may not match the message you’re looking for. Ensure that you’ve entered the correct sender, recipient, date range, or other relevant filters. 

Retention Policy: If the message is older and has been deleted based on your organization’s retention policies, it may no longer be available in Message Trace. 

Hybrid Deployments: In hybrid environments where you have a combination of on-premises Exchange servers and Exchange Online (Microsoft 365), Message Trace may not cover on-premises email flows. You may need to check your on-premises message tracking logs separately. 


Message Trace is a powerful tool that is essential for any IT administrator who is responsible for managing email infrastructure.