Your Guide to Mastering Email Forwarding

Have you ever experienced the overwhelming feeling of having your inbox flooded with messages, posing a threat to your productivity? Rest assured, because you are not alone. Effectively managing emails can be quite challenging. However, busy professionals need not worry! There exists a potent tool hidden within your email settings: email forwarding.

Beyond its simple definition, email forwarding offers a surprising depth of functionality, capable of streamlining your workflow, enhancing collaboration, and ensuring important information reaches the right people, every time.

Intrigued? Follow us as we dive deeper into this tutorial of email forwarding. We’ll explore its various applications, from basic message redirection to advanced filtering and automation, all designed to help you. 

Step #1: Exchange Admin Center

First you need to go to Exchange Admin Center (


Step #2: Create Rules

Then expand “Mail Flow” and select “Rules”.

Under Rules, click on “Add a rule” and then “Create a New Rule”.

Your Guide to Mastering Email Forwarding

Step #3: Setting up Conditions for Email Transportation

This is an important step. First, we Define Forwarding Conditions:

  • Give your rule a clear and descriptive name (e.g., “Arif to Dawood”).
  • Under “Apply this Rule if” choose “The recipient is.”
  • Under “is this person”, select one.
  • Then, under “Do the following” 
  • Select “Redirect the message to”  
  • Then select “These recipient”
Your Guide to Mastering Email Forwarding

After filling out the fields your rule will look like.

Now click on “Next” button.


Your Guide to Mastering Email Forwarding

Step #4: Set Rule Settings

  • Under “Set rule settings”.
  • You can select the Activation and Deactivation time for your rule.
  • After setting up click on “Next” button.
Your Guide to Mastering Email Forwarding

Step #5: Review and Finish

  • Under “Review and Finish”.
  • Review all your configuration and then click finish.
Your Guide to Mastering Email Forwarding

Step #6: Enable Rule

When you create new rule by default it is in disabled state.

You must click on your rule and then enable it manually.


Your Guide to Mastering Email Forwarding

And that’s it! Stay tuned as we explore different forwarding techniques, best practices, and insider tips to help you achieve the full potential of this powerful tool. Remember, conquering your inbox starts with one forward at a time!


Stay tuned for further insights and tips on email forwarding in the upcoming posts!

IT Assessments, The Best Insurance Against Downtime

With the evolving technology landscape businesses now heavily rely on their IT systems, for day to day operations. These systems play a role in managing data and facilitating customer communications making their optimal performance essential for success. However many businesses tend to overlook the significance of IT assessments. In this blog post we will explore the importance of conducting IT assessments and how they can be the best insurance against downtime.

Why IT Assessments Matter

To begin with regular IT assessments help businesses uncover any underlying issues or vulnerabilities within their systems. As technology continues to advance at a pace cyber threats also evolve simultaneously. It is therefore imperative to stay updated and ensure security measures are in place. Regular assessments enable you to pinpoint points in your IT infrastructure and promptly address risks. This proactive approach aids in preventing data breaches, downtime disruptions and other costly consequences that may arise if these issues are left unattended.

Proactive Security for Peace of Mind

Moreover IT assessments contribute to optimizing the performance and efficiency of your systems. As your business grows and evolves over time so do your IT requirements. Regular assessments play a role, in identifying areas where enhancements can be made. Whether it involves updating hardware or software components or integrating technologies into your operations.


Optimizing Your IT Infrastructure

By optimizing your information technology systems you have the opportunity to enhance productivity and streamline operations, which ultimately results in saving costs and achieving performance.


Avoid Costly Surprises with Proactive IT Management

Regular IT assessments offer numerous benefits for businesses, including the ability to plan for the future. By conducting these assessments, businesses can gain valuable insights into their current IT infrastructure and make necessary upgrades or changes in advance. This proactive approach saves time and resources in the long run, eliminating the need for reactive measures that often come with higher costs and operational impact.


Get the Most Out of Your Investment

Additionally, regular IT assessments provide businesses with a better understanding of their IT budget. By identifying potential risks and areas for improvement, businesses can effectively plan and allocate their IT budget. This approach prevents overspending on unnecessary upgrades or emergency fixes.


Happy Customers, Happy Business

Furthermore, conducting regular IT assessments improves customer satisfaction. In today’s digitally driven world, downtime and technical issues significantly impact customer experience. By regularly assessing and optimizing IT systems, businesses ensure smooth operations and minimal interruptions, leading to improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.


Ensuring Data Security and Privacy

Lastly, IT assessments help businesses stay compliant with industry regulations and laws. Industries like healthcare and finance have strict data privacy and security regulations that businesses must adhere to. Regular assessments ensure that IT systems are up to date with these regulations, avoiding potential penalties or legal consequences.


Choose Security, Choose ITCS

In conclusion, regular IT assessments are crucial for maintaining optimal performance, efficiency, and security within organizations. They allow businesses to proactively identify risks, optimize systems, plan for the future, stay compliant, and improve customer satisfaction. Therefore, it is important not to overlook the significance of IT assessments and the significant benefits they provide for businesses.

ITCS is your premiere partner for all of your IT needs, ready to guide you through every step of the journey.

Allowing/Blocking Emails or Domains in Microsoft 365

Tired of being swamped by a flood of unwanted emails? Longing for the ability to manage your chaotic inbox?  

It’s completely understandable to feel overwhelmed by the influx of unwanted emails. You’re not alone in this constant battle against spam and irrelevant messages.   

However, there’s no need to worry, as there are effective ways to regain control over your inbox!   

We’ve prepared for you, a comprehensive tutorial that will guide you with the necessary knowledge and tools to curate your email experience, enabling you to embrace the desired emails and eliminate the unwanted ones.  


Step ONE: Sign in to Microsoft 365 Admin Center

Step TWO: Access the Exchange Admin Center

  • In the Microsoft 365 Admin Center, select “Admin Centers” from the left-hand navigation menu. 
  • Choose “Exchange” from the list of admin centers. 

Step THREE: Navigate to Mail Flow Rules

  • In the Exchange Admin Center, go to “mail flow” from the left-hand navigation pane. 
  • Click on “rules.” 

Step FOUR: Create a New Rule (Allow/Block)

  • To allow or block emails from specific senders or domains, you can create a new rule. 
  • Click on the “+” (New) button to create a new rule. 
  • Choose “Create a new rule” from the dropdown. 

Step FIVE: Configure the Rule

  • Give your rule a name that describes its purpose. 
  • Under “Apply this rule if,” you can specify the conditions such as the sender’s address or domain. 
  • Under “Do the following,” select either “Block the message” or “Redirect the message to” and specify the action. 

Step SIX: Save the Rule:

  • After configuring the rule, click “Save” to apply it. 
  • This rule will now allow or block emails from the specified sender addresses or domains based on your configuration. 

Now you can experience a world without spammy marketing blasts or annoying notifications that clutter your inbox. Say goodbye to wasting precious time sorting through irrelevant emails.


With the power to allow and block, you can create a personalized email sanctuary where only important and desired messages flow freely.